This was a short hiking day. We were only going to go from Pats Lake to the other side of the pass. A couple of short, quick climbs and we'd be done for the day. We didn't exactly sleep in, but we didn't get up early either. We were going before the sun hit the trail, and it was nice being able to climb while the air was still cool.
We did hit the sun a bit when we got to Arrowhead Lake, and then again heading up to the pass, but there was a nice breeze, and the elevation made things pretty cool as well. We reached our campsite before noon. Usually, we camp at the lake at 8696, so named because our old topo maps have its elevation marked. That's also the second lake down from the pass - this time we were going to the third lake.
There wasn't great camping at that lake. Adequate camping, yes, we made it work, but not something that I'd recommend. But it had its good points. There was good shade near the water to keep cool in the heat of the day. We were hard to see from the trail, so it was pretty private.
We had a quite afternoon, relaxing and enjoying the sounds and smells of the wilderness all around us.
Ambrose is ready to head out from Pats Lake and get over the pass. |
We didn't walk far before coming on another tree problem. |
One could camp here, but it is right next to the trail, so it isn't ideal. |
I managed not to get my feet wet on this crossing. |
I love seeing how the light of the rising sun changes the look of the land. |
You can't see how the breeze rushes up around these rocks in a picture. |
I still thought there would be snow on the pass since there was still snow. |
Flowers and low water near the outlet of Arrowhead Lake. |
A little finger sun-blocker to get the glare out of my shot of Arrowhead. |
There were fishes in Arrowhead! |
Such calm and reflective water. |
And we climbed higher and higher. |
And the views looking back got better and better. |
I think about hiking along those ridges sometimes, but I really like sticking to trails. |
One last look at the lakes. |
No snow at all on these switchbacks :( |
We did see a hummingbird, but it was too fast for the camera. |
Ambrose made it to the top of the pass. |
And then we went back down the other side. |
I had forgotten about this little tarn. |
I loved the color on the first lake. |
So much so I had to take another picture. |
And these three intertwined trees were growing right next to it. They look like one should have killed the others off, but instead they all live practically as one. |
Usually, we stay by this lake, but this time we were walking on by to the next. |
Mount Everly looming over the turquoise glimmer of the lake at 8696. |
Instead, we chose to stay at this lake, but first we had to find a spot. |
And, it was warm enough and I was dirty enough that I decided to add this lake to my collection of mountain lakes in which I have fully submerged myself. I even got Ambrose to take pictures. |
On my honor, I did fully submerge, even if he couldn't quite capture that exact moment. |
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