Well, I fell off my running goal for a few weeks there, but I'm in a position to get back to 10 miles run this week. The biggest factor in getting the 10 miles is getting a long run done on Sunday, and this past Sunday I did a nice long run of 5.3 miles.
The weather was quite cold, but I tried out my new brushtail possum socks, and they kept my feet quite warm. I also wore gloves, but they kind of backfired. The gloves made my hands sweat, which made them extra cold and I couldn't get them to warm up until I took the gloves off and just used the sleeves of my shirt and jacket to protect them.
It would have been a nicer run if the sun had been out, but at least the wind wasn't too awful that day. My Tuesday run had sun, but the wind was blowing quite fiercely. And I didn't wear the possum socks, so my feet were a little colder. But I can handle cold feet for shorter runs, and this one was only 2.35 miles. I didn't want to run at all on Tuesday, I felt more like taking a nap, but I got myself out the door. I kind of had to make myself do it, but I did it.
Now I just need to do at least 2.35 on Thursday and I'll hit my 10 miles for the week. I believe I've got that in me, especially because we shouldn't be seeing any precipitation this week. Running in the kind of cold we get here in Boise is hard, but not impossible. When I run in the cold, I'm talking 20's and 30's. I'd have to bundle up more for temps lower than that, but it generally doesn't get that cold here.
And then start all over again on Sunday, when I'll try to run 6 or so miles. Might need more insulation for that run, since it's long and slow.
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